Advance Directives

hospice (5)

South Carolina and federal law give all competent adults, 18 years or older, the right to make their own health care decisions, including the right to decide what medical care or treatment to accept, reject or discontinue. If you do not want to receive certain types of treatment or you wish to name someone to make health care decisions for you, you have the right to make these desires known to your doctor, hospital or other health care providers, and in general, have these rights respected. You also have the right to be told about the nature of your illness in terms that you can understand, the general nature of the proposed treatments, the risks of failing to undergo these treatments, and any alternative treatments or procedures that may be available to you.

Here are some resources that will assist you in the process of creating advance directives or living wills and health care powers of attorney:

S.C.Lieutenant Governor’s Office on Aging: Information on Living Will and Power of Attorney (web link)

National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization’s Advance Directive Guide and Form for SC Residents (PDF download)

Note: While this information is helpful and believed to be reliable, it is not a substitute for competent legal advice. We will endeavor to keep these links current, but if the information seems not to fit your situation, please consult your health care provider or an attorney experienced in drafting advance directives.

Page Last Updated: October 16, 2018